Hello Dan,

Here are your links to download the audios from our sessions. Click to play the track online or Right-click/click-hold and choose to ‘save’ to your device.

Session One Relaxation & Motivation Boost

Here’s the EXTRA AUDIO I mentioned – listen to this ‘Positive Focus’ shorter recording.

Also if you’re finding the time span a little challenging, here’s a 1-Minute Relaxation break and a 4-minute Relax break for quick fixes.

Session Two can be downloaded here – Emotional baggage ‘Hot Air Balloon’ release technique

Session Three – This ‘Cycle of Progress’ track enhances self-efficacy and boosts self-esteem. The aim to increase both relaxation and concentration simultaneously, bringing more productivity, focus and confidence in own abilities.

Creating Alternatives This track allows you to mentally rehearse alternative reactions to specific situations. This will let your mind acclimatise to different behaviours and results.

Session Four – This session increases self-esteem and reduces the focus on perfectionism.

Smoking Cessation – This audio is from our smoking cessation session – I’ve added in an aversion technique to lighten up, and enhance, the session :o)

Also here’s a link to an old Quit Smoking booklet I produced. Please excuse the old logo, and the links to the MP3s won’t work – but the content is still valid.