Hello Todd and Kimberlie,
Here are your links to download recordings from James’s sessions. Click the buttons below to play the track or ‘Right-click/click-hold’ and choose to ‘SAVE’ to your device.
I’d suggest that you download to your personal device, and listen to the recording without the need for an internet connection.
As we progress through our sessions together I will upload your MP3s and homework tasks to this page. These mp3s are your medication – take at least one ‘listen‘ per day for best effects.
Relaxation & Focus Boost This is to be listened to at least once per day for best effect. A calmer mind is a stronger mind on which we can build powerful new confident thought patterns. Please encourage James to listen to this track at least once per day to initially increase his attention and focus, while reducing any conscious or subconscious stress.
James’s Homework – homework for this week is to devote time to listening to audio ONE. This will calm the mind and relax the body. Even in the case that James doesn’t initially feel any noticeable difference, please continue… the pure act of physically relaxing while listening is strengthening focus and awareness.
Session Two – This session uses James imagination to create scenarios in which he can improve and increase self-esteem and confidence. This increase nurtures growth and change, instead of hiding behind fear and clinging onto old habits. Awareness of bodily functions is introduced and checking of full-stomach or ‘needing to go’ is encouraged. This combined with the practical timer approach, timing 1 hour intervals, should begin to build a routine in the mind and in real-life for James to become more aware and check more often.
Please use this audio to reinforce sessions two and three.
Session Four – Progressive Muscle Relaxation combined with visualisation of imaginative magical castle where each room symbolizes a part of the body to relax. After the relaxation, direct suggestions for task awareness, responsibility and confidence are given. Focus and memory energy from an imaginative crystal, give the opportunity for James to be proud of making the ‘right’ choices when confronted with doing something ‘easy’ or doing something ‘right’.
Session Five – This is a more direct positive suggestion process. Having James realise that he can tell when he needs to urinate, just as he can begin to realise the signs of needing to Poo. James has an updated Checklist to print out, to allow him to check with the timer every 30 minutes, for the urge to poo. Also to introduce the concept of drinking a little more, perhaps a few small sips every time the timer goes off, to lubricate and encourage visits to the loo during ‘awakened’ hours. In the hope to reduce James’s need to wear a nappy every night to sleep in. 0697JS6.mp3
Session 6 Audio – Choosing the Right Thing to Do
This audio is focused on James choosing the right thing to do. Putting into perspective how it is unfair for Mum or Dad to have to spend their time cleaning ‘jocks’ while James gets to dismiss his responsibility as a growing boy. I also introduce the concept of ‘what if’ – role playing what it would feel like to poo pants in the company of others and have them notice. The aim is to instigate feelings associated with doing the wrong thing, and built a repulsion against doing the wrong thing because of the shame involved, and the unfairness of putting mum and dad through the cleaning process.
James did admit outright that he stays addicted to the screen and doesn’t want to come off to check because it’s easier to stay put and have mum or dad clean his pants, because there’s no consequence involved.
So, I suggested, as I am suggesting now, that as an addiction would be treated, it’s either ‘cold-turkey’ where James isn’t allowed on screen for a morning / afternoon / full day and can choose to play Beyblades, trading cards or Diamond dots… Or, a dramatic reduction in screen-time allowance. Say 30 mins on screen, 30 mins off screen and so on. James admitted point blank that the screen overrules any other task/job/duty that he is told to perform.
Let’s see if the longer, more direct, deeper suggestions on his latest audio do the trick.