lady stopping smoking

Stop Smoking – there’s no two ways to think about it… Smoking Kills!

It is now widely documented within the medical profession, yet some find it difficult to let go of this poisonous habit.

Find out more information about the poisonous habit by following >>>this link<<<.

Look no further – help is at hand. This Stop Smoking package from Mynd.Works will help you overcome the killer habit once and for all.*

This Stop Smoking package consists of 3 individual 1-hour sessions, plus a complementary audio MP3 to reinforce the office sessions and to reinstall the suggestions ever you feel like retuening to smoking in the future.

Session 1 starts by discovering your reasons to stop smoking. The rest of the first session uses guided imagery and visualisation to instil new positive smoke-free thought patterns. This is the day you make the decision and take action to become SMOKE FREE.

Session 2 deals with breaking down the old disruptive habits and addictive behaviours which then allows positive change to start happening.

Session 3 strengthens and reinforces the new smoke-free behaviour patterns and at this point introduces aversion techniques to re-frame your perspective about smoking.

You will receive a FREE hypnosis MP3 to listen to at least once per day following session 1, this will strengthen all the positive reinforcements.

Call Richard Scott on (+61) 415 56 77 08 to book a Smoking Cessation Package.

To give a little perspective – the average price of a pack of 20 cigarettes in Australia is $20.

if you smoke 20 cigarettes per day it costs you – $20 per day – $609 per month – $7300 per year

The fee for the Stop Smoking hypnotherapy package is $600

This fee is payable as a one time payment or by 3 payments of $200

*Disclaimer – Results vary from person to person, success is based upon the client following the full procedure and processes as directed during the on-to-one sessions with Richard Scott.