Hi Oliver,

Here are your links to download all audios from our sessions. Click the links below to play the track online or ‘Right-click/click-hold’ and choose to ‘SAVE’ to your device.

I’d suggest that you download to your personal device, and listen to the track without the need for internet connection.

As we progress through our sessions together I will upload your MP3s to this page. These mp3s are your medication – take at least one per day for best effects.

Relaxation & Motivation Boost This is to be listened to at least once per day for best effect. A calmer mind has a stronger foundation on which to build powerful new thought patterns. In the next session we look at releasing any triggers and emotional baggage.

Emotional baggage release This imaginative technique helps you to release any trapped or underlying baggage (negative conditioned thoughts) that no longer serve you. This historic pattern of thoughts is the fuel behind most current avoidant or lack-of-motivation reactions.

I also want to introduce this anxiety release technique to you. I’m supplying this one as a separate audio – it uses 3 breaths to ignite a relaxed, great feeling. This can be practiced and used during any anxious situation.