Hi June,

Here are your links to download the recordings from our sessions. Click the buttons below to play the track or ‘Right-click/click-hold’ and choose to ‘SAVE’ to your device.

I’d suggest that you download to your personal device, and listen to the recording without the need for an internet connection.

As we progress through our sessions together I will upload your MP3s and homework tasks to this page. These mp3s are your medication – take at least one ‘listen‘ per day for best effects.

Relaxation & Motivation Boost This is to be listened to at least once per day for best effect. A calmer mind is a stronger mind on which we can build powerful new confident thought patterns. A stressed/anxious mind finds it more difficult to learn and try new techniques. In the next session we look at releasing any bad thoughts from the past.

Homework – Your homework, until session two, is to devote time to listening to audio ONE. This will calm your mind and relax your body. Even if you don’t initially feel any noticeable difference in confidence, please continue… by simply relaxing while listening we’re beginning to prepare your mind to accept new suggestions and confident ideas.

Three Deep Breaths – This ‘3 Deep Breath’ technique is one of my all time favourites. It’s a very simple technique to train your mind to be able to bring back ‘Great’ feelings on demand. You can practice this technique as many times a day as you wish – the more, the better.

When you find yourself in an old worrying situation, you can spring this technique into action (sometimes you don’t even think about doing it – it just happens anyway) and the old fear gets replaced by great thoughts and feelings.

Confidence Meadow – In this session we focused on meeting with the ‘part’ of you that felt scared and introducing them to the ‘part’ of you who felt confident. In bringing these two parts together, the part who felt afraid can be comforted, feel less alone and be accompanied by the brave part of you when entering new situations.