Hello Keira,
Here are your links to download recordings from our sessions. Click the buttons below to play the track or ‘Right-click/click-hold’ and choose to ‘SAVE’ to your device.
I’d suggest that you download to your personal device, and listen to the recording without the need for an internet connection.
As we progress through our sessions together I will upload your MP3s and homework tasks to this page. These mp3s are your medication – take at least one ‘listen‘ per day for best effects.
Relaxation & Motivation Boost This is to be listened to at least once per day for best effect. A calmer mind is a stronger mind on which we can build powerful new confident thought patterns. A stressed mind finds it more difficult to learn, and attempt, new techniques. In the next session we look at releasing any OLD triggers and bad thoughts from the past.
Homework – Your homework for this week is to devote time to listening to audio ONE. This will calm your mind and relax your body. Even in the remote possibility that you don’t initially feel any noticeable difference in specific symptoms, please continue listening… the pure act of physically relaxing while listening will begin to prepare your mind to accept new suggestions and ideas, while bringing your body closer to a sleep state.
Remember to send me some feedback every couple of days with details of how the process is going and any effects / weird dreams you may have.
Emotional Baggage clearing is an important part of the process. In this visualisation, you’ll empty your backpack of all the stored up negative emotion that you’ve been labouring to hold onto. Once emptied, by practicing this once a day, you’ll find that you feel lighter and more relaxed, with extra energy to use on positive pursuits.
Bonus separate track – this is the track to help make bedtimes more relaxing and enjoyable again. Instead of dwelling on the thoughts in your head, you empty them out onto paper and allow yourself to nod off to sleep.
As a recommendation, if you listen to the Emotional baggage track in the morning or during the day, and listen to the sleep track, perhaps just before bedtime, you’ll be in the right frame of mind to get that good night’s sleep.
Don’t forget to send feedback, so I can keep track of progress.
Session 3 Audio – After our conversation, which I followed up with a lengthy email, here’s the audio which I’ve chosen to focus on adjusting bad eating habits and reshape healthy eating behaviours.
Session 4 Audio – This technique introduces ‘Inner child’ work. Using you imagination to create a link between you (as you are now) and the younger version of you that formed the opinions that you aren’t good enough, need to receive validation from others, and must people please in order to be accepted. Using this connection to your younger self will help you to give her the encouragement and guidance that she needed all those years ago. Doing this will mean that she doesn’t need to continue the old behaviour patterns which are currently directing you into negative challenges.
This technique uses mental rehearsal to lock-in great feelings, obtained from being in a fantastic time/place/situation – like the beach that we discussed. Once those feelings are locked-in, we begin to introduce negative scenarios to your mind, before quickly returning to the good place again.
The trick here is, through practice, to be able to switch from negative thoughts and feelings in anxiety situations and quickly return to good thoughts and feelings, so you don’t have to panic or stress out – you simply replace the bad with good and proceed resiliently through old stress inducing situation without affect.