Whether you’re worried about your health or the health of loved ones, trying to navigate sudden unemployment or wondering what happens next in the face of uncertainty, you’re not alone.
As things develop during this COVID-19 endemic, there’s one thing just about everybody has in common:
A huge increase in anxiety.
We are living in challenging times where many people have trouble coping when a new virus or pandemic strikes. But rest assured… there are ways to ease the anxiety and fear you feel inside.
Browse the BLOG area on my website for hints and tips to help you cope during Covid-19. The latest official updates from the Australian Government can be found here.
I’ve created 3 MP3s to tackle some of the anxiety symptoms and negative thinking habits resulting from this pandemic.
In these MP3 I teach effective ways to reduce your stress and anxiety levels, especially around the subject of corona virus, isolation, negative thoughts and illness.
Unleash your Positive Thoughts MP3
Learn to Relax through difficult times MP3
Vaccination, needle & injection Phobia

Many vaccines are being made mandatory all over the world, especially due to the Covid-19 and its mutations. Whether you strictly adhere to public health advice, or you see the mandates as coercion and an invasion on the sovereignty of your own body, is irrelevant if you are actually phobic around ‘needles’.
Modern times pose a uniquely terrifying challenge for those who are actually afraid of vaccinations, needles and injections of any kind.
This technique teaches you how to use your imagination to create a safe space and ignite good feelings on-demand.
Make those fearful times, before or during a medical/dental/vaccination procedure, a thing of the past with this simple to learn meditative technique.
Click the BUY NOW button below to purchase and download your audio for just $10 AUD.