Depression is a common psychological disorder and almost anyone can be affected at some point during their life; research suggests that between 5 and 10% of the population suffer from depression to some extent at any one time.
It is important to recognise that there is a vast difference between feeling down one day and having a depression disorder. If feelings don’t go away quickly, or they start affecting an individual’s everyday life, it may be time to seek professional help.
Living with depression can affect the way someone eats, sleeps, works and the way they feel about themselves and their life. Other people may tell the individual suffering from depression to ‘pull themselves together’ or ‘snap out of it’, but no matter how much an individual wants to, they usually can’t just get over it and simply feel better.
This is not a sign of weakness as some people may believe, but part of the psychological disorder.
Many individuals may not understand why they are feeling the way they are and therefore can be too embarrassed to seek help, believing the feelings will disappear sooner or later. However this usually means they suffer longer than necessary, as help is available for those suffering from depression.
Depression affects people in different ways and can cause a variety of physical and psychological symptoms.
- Feeling constantly pessimistic
- Feeling constantly sad, anxious or empty
- Tiredness
- Lack of energy
- Restlessness and irritability
- Feeling worthless, helpless or guilty
- Loss of interest in hobbies or activities
- Difficulty concentrating and making decisions
- Changes in sleep patterns
- Changes in appetite
- Thoughts of death or suicide
- Persistent physical symptoms, such as headaches and digestive disorders
Types of Depression
There are different types of depression, including Major Depression, Dysthymic Disorder, Bipolar Disorder/Manic Depression and Postnatal Depression:
Major Depression
Major Depression is the most severe type of depression as more of the symptoms are present at any one time compared to the other types of depression. Major depression is usually diagnosed when at least five of the symptoms are present at the same time for two weeks or more.
The depressive period may only occur once in an individual’s life, however it is more common that it is experienced several times after the initial episode.
Dysthymic Disorder
Dysthymic Disorder is less severe than major depression (the symptoms are not as severe as major depression where sufferers experience several at one time), however occurs on a daily basis for a number of years.
Dysthymia can develop at an early stage in an individual’s life and if this is the case, it is common for sufferers to believe it is a normal way of feeling. Dysthymic disorder is usually diagnosed if an individual suffers from some of the symptoms on a daily basis for at least 2 years.
Bipolar Disorder/Manic Depression
Bipolar Disorder (originally known as Manic Depression) causes an individual’s mood to alternate between intense highs and unbearable lows.
These contrasting periods are known as episodes of mania and depression. A manic episode or depressive episode is diagnosed if three or more of the mood symptoms below occur nearly every day for at least a week:
Manic Episode
- Increase in energy and activity
- Intensely high mood
- Extreme irritability
- Racing thoughts, fast talking jumping from idea to idea
- Finds it hard to concentrate
- Little sleep needed
- Unrealistic thoughts about their abilities or powers
- A lasting period of behaviour that is different from usual
- Intrusive or aggressive behaviour
- Denial of anything being wrong
Depressive Episode
- Lasting sad or anxious mood
- Pessimism
- Feeling guilty or helpless
- Loss of interest or pleasure in activities
- Decreased energy, tiredness and irritability
- Difficulty concentrating
- Change in appetite
- Sleeping too much, or can’t sleep
- Chronic pain or other persistent bodily symptoms
- Thoughts of death or suicide
Postnatal Depression
Postnatal Depression is a treatable disorder that usually occurs two to five days after having a baby and happens to between 10 and 15 percent of mothers.
The symptoms are similar to those of other depression disorders and can range from very mild cases of ‘baby blues’ to a severe disorder called postnatal psychosis.
Other symptoms may include frequently crying for no apparent reason and feelings of rejection from a partner, family, friends or even the baby.
Research suggests there are a combination of factors that influence the development of depression. These include:
Psychological Factors
Research suggests that individuals with certain characteristics (e.g. low confidence/self-esteem, a pessimistic outlook and negative thought patterns) are more prone to depression.
Biological Factors
An imbalance of serotonin (a chemical in the brain) is thought to contribute to depression by altering an individual’s though process and emotions.
Some research has suggested a genetic link to some types of depression. However depression also occurs in individuals who have no family history of the disorder.
Hormonal Factors
Research has suggested a link between abnormal levels of Cortisol (a natural steroid hormone in the body) with depression.
Traumatic Factors
Research has found that traumatic experiences such as divorce, the loss of a loved one, abuse and neglect may contribute to depression.
Mindset coaching is extremely useful for the treatment of depression. Mindset coaching usually involved a variety of modalities such as positive psychology, NLP, CBT, hypnotherapy and psychotherapy. This coaching can give you the skills needed to relax and access your unconscious mind to discover the true, root cause of the depression.
Hypno-analysis (psychotherapy using hypnosis) seeks to uncover the root cause of the negative feelings and emotion, thus re framing and desensitising the symptoms.
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