Welcome! I’m here to help you overcome anxiety and find a sense of calm and relaxation. I’m Richard Scott, your Anxiety Therapist, and I want to share with you how hypnotherapy used within our sessions can make a positive difference in your life.

During a standard online session, we will use a foundation of meditation and hypnosis to create a peaceful environment where you can feel absolutely at ease. You’ll sit or recline comfortably in your chair and be invited to close your eyes, allowing you to focus on your inner world without distractions.

As we begin, I’ll guide you through a process of imagination and visualization. You might imagine each part of your body tensing up and then relaxing, or picture yourself in your favorite place. These techniques help relax your mind and create a safe space for transformation.

In this deeply relaxed state, your mind becomes more receptive to positive suggestions. You’ll remain fully aware of what’s happening around you, and your subconscious mind will be open to embracing new ways of thinking and behaving. Many people describe this experience as the most profound relaxation they’ve ever felt.

Now, let me address some common questions you may have:

Can anyone be hypnotized?

Yes, as long as you’re willing to participate. However, it’s important to note that hypnosis is not recommended for individuals under the influence of alcohol or drugs. If you have severe psychotic illnesses, it’s best to consult with your GP or medical consultant beforehand.

Will I be asleep?

No, you won’t be asleep, although you’ll feel incredibly relaxed during the session. If you listen to mynd.works audio MP3s late at night or when you’re tired, you may unintentionally drift off into natural sleep. However, hypnosis will continue to work on your subconscious mind even while you sleep.

Will I be asked to reveal personal information or do things I don’t want to do?
Absolutely not. Regardless of how deeply you go into trance, you maintain full control over the situation. You can speak during the hypnosis session, and the audio products won’t ask you to speak aloud. Your subconscious mind will always protect you, ensuring that you only say or do what you choose.

Will you have control over my mind?

No, you are always in complete control. As a clinical hypnotherapist, I act as a guide, helping you work through your thoughts and emotions. Together, we’ll empower you to overcome old habits and behaviors and approach challenges in a more positive way.

How many sessions will I need?

The number of sessions varies for each person. Typically, a hypnotherapy program consists of 2-4 sessions. We usually leave at least one week between sessions and provide you with a hypnosis MP3 or CD to listen to in between. If you’re using mynd.works hypnosis MP3s, it’s recommended to listen to the product daily for 2-3 weeks or until your symptoms improve.

Can hypnotherapy help children?

Yes! If your child struggles with bedtime conflicts, sleep disturbances, fears, phobias, or lacks confidence, mynd.works can provide valuable assistance. Children often respond exceptionally well to hypnosis products, as their imaginative and creative minds naturally embrace the techniques. We even have audio products designed to be used while they sleep.

See this article about helping my 11yr old  client ‘Rebekah’, featured in the National UK Press here.

To discover if hypnotherapy is right for you, take the first step by arranging a FREE ‘Rapid Change’ 25-minute consultation. Let’s work together to bring positive transformation into your life.

Here are ten ways to find out whether you’re hypnotisable or not.