Feeling overwhelmed, uncertain, tense or worried? It’s not surprising considering all that’s going on in the world at any given moment. How about trouble sleeping or suffering from panic attacks? Under or overeating, smoking or drinking to calm yourself down? Avoiding people and situations? These are all symptoms of the emotion called anxiety, but…

…what is anxiety?

Mynd.Works - Anxiety Treatment Canberra

Anxiety is a common feeling that many people experience. It’s important to know that while it can be unpleasant, it is not dangerous. Anxiety arises when we anticipate a threat or worry about a particular event or situation.

When we feel anxious, our body goes into a state of readiness, as if preparing to fight or escape from danger. This means our minds become extra alert, our hearts beat faster, and adrenaline rushes through our bodies.

While these reactions can be helpful in extreme situations like facing a bear or being in combat, they aren’t the ideal response for situations like taking exams, public speaking, or flying on an airplane.

Discover 9 Common Mistakes about Anxiety by clicking the booklet image.

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Anxiety symptoms can show up in various ways, both physically and mentally. They usually start with an anxious thought or something that triggers our anxiety.

In general, many people feel a milder form of anxiety when they encounter stressful situations like giving a speech or taking a test. However, for those with anxiety disorders, the experience can be more constant and disruptive to their daily lives.

Having an anxiety disorder can lead individuals to avoid certain situations because they fear that it will trigger their anxiety. This avoidance becomes a way to cope with their anxiety and try to prevent it from overwhelming them.

This can in turn lead to relationship and/or career problems such as not being able to achieve potential job opportunities or promotions and being unable to develop personal relationships.

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To find out what having anxiety actually feels like – read this article

Here are 20 PHYSICAL Symptoms of Anxiety

  • Rapid heartbeat or palpitations
  • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
  • Chest tightness or discomfort
  • Sweating or clammy hands
  • Trembling or shaking
  • Muscle tension or tightness
  • Nausea or stomach discomfort
  • Dizziness or lightheadedness
  • Headaches or migraines
  • Fatigue or low energy
  • Restlessness or feeling on edge
  • Difficulty sleeping or insomnia
  • Dry mouth or throat
  • Frequent urination or digestive issues
  • Changes in appetite, such as loss or increase in appetite
  • Feeling hot or cold flashes
  • Muscle aches or tension headaches
  • Fainting or feeling faint
  • Increased sensitivity to sensory stimuli (lights, sounds, etc.)
  • Skin problems, such as rashes or hives (in some cases)

Here are 12 BEHAVIOURAL Symptoms of Anxiety

• Scared to make a #phonecall.
• Scared to order food at a #restaurant.
#Checking money 10 times before paying.
• Feeling #uncomfortable in public.
• Wanting to #hide your face or body in public.
#Panic attacks in crowded places.⠀
• Continuously making up ‘worst case’ scenarios in your mind.
#Crying when you have to leave your house.⠀
• Nail biting, fidgeting or other nervous habits.
• Panic when having to #speak to someone you don’t know.
• Excessive seeking of certainty or constant need for reassurance
• Seeking excessive control or perfectionism in various aspects of life⠀

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What causes anxiety?

Everyone may react differently to different pressures, determining a single cause of anxiety is extremely difficult. Research suggests there are a number of contributing factors, such as:

Brain Chemistry
Some medication seems to alter the chemical imbalances in some individual’s brains, suggesting that there could be a chemical imbalance leading to a predisposition towards anxiety.

Life experiences
We all experience different lives from different perspectives and so anything from culture, environment, religion, education, relationships, nurture and many others… can effect and incite anxious episodes.

Evidence suggests that anxiety can run in families. However evidence is not clear as to whether genetic factors account for the disorder or whether similar environments and life experiences contribute to its cause. Transference is a good explanation. You become anxious because you witness the behaviour in someone close to you that you trust. So you adopt their behaviour and feelings.

Research suggests that personality types may determine whether or not you are susceptible to developing an disorder.

How to treat anxiety symptoms

There are many things in my blog that will help you reduce your anxiety symptoms of anxiety, treatment will be most effective when you’re guided through specific techniques.

My 4-Step Online Treatment has been designed to give you the skills needed to relax and then access your unconscious mind to discover the root cause of the challenge, release the triggers and reignite a more positive, confident future.

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If you’re not sure – let’s have a Free Chat

Before you commit to any therapy or sessions, why not have a free chat with me. I invite you to join me online or over the phone for approximately 30 minutes, in which we can talk confidentially about your challenge, uncover any hidden causes or triggers and then look at ways to alleviate and overcome the challenge. All obligation free!

You can then decide if you’d like to work together to solve the issue at hand.


Here’s an ‘Anxiety Release’ meditation MP3 for you to download

This MP3 includes a full mindset motivation session which combines hypnosis, NLP and cognitive behavioural therapy techniques. It tackles stress by utilising relaxation techniques on a mental and physical level. The recording then alleviates anxiety by teaching powerful techniques to your subconscious mind.

Download the full MP3 session and LISTEN as many times as you need to.

Repeated listening allows your mind to achieve a spring-clean and a positive workout.

Purchase your instant MP3 download by clicking on the BUY NOW button below for just $9.99 AUD

Here’s what previous (MP3 & 1-1 Session) clients have had to say…

“Hi Richard, I am feeling rather relaxed – could have something to do with a certain MP3 of yours that I have been listening to. I’m definitely feeling calmer and more positive about things so thanks for all your help.”
Claire, UK– Stress Management

“You really are magic with the therapy you do. My life has changed for the better. If anybody feels they’re unsure that this works, talk to me because I was the biggest doubter and I was proved totally wrong thanks for all your help :) x
Jenny, UK – Anxiety/Anger

“I just wanted to say how grateful I am for your help, you’ve helped me overcome a mountain of things. I feel much better in myself, all because of you.”
Sara, UK – Emotional Anxiety

“Everything has been really good so far as my symptoms are concerned recently. There is no doubt in my mind. I’ve been thinking quite a lot about being positive about life in general and that I was often too critical of myself, although not openly. I’ll be doing less of that in the future.

It is difficult to place value on the sessions I had with you because if the result was a tangible item I could buy, then I would have been willing to pay a very high price. Many Thanks.”
Adrian – Performance Anxiety

Disclaimer – The results shown in these testimonials are from clients who followed my suggestions and listened to their MP3s once per day, over an allocated time period.