When you recognize that you have a problem, it’s important to take a closer look at it. Understanding the problem involves identifying the specific issues, noting what triggers your stress response, observing your reactions and behaviours, and determining how long it has been affecting you.

Read more about the challenges I’ve treated by clicking the links below.

Alcohol Abuse | Anger Management | Anxiety | Blushing | Children Challenges | Depression | Drug Addiction | Eating Disorders | Exam Nerves | Fear of Flying | Insomnia | Irritable Bowel Syndrome | Obsessions and Compulsions | Panic Attack | Public Speaking | Relationship Issues | Self-Confidence | Self-Esteem | Sexual Issues | Sports Performance | Stress | Weight Management

After gaining clarity on the problem, many people opt for a quick consultation with a doctor or GP, hoping for a medication-based solution.

However, what if there was an alternative approach that could reduce or even eliminate a wide range of symptoms without relying on medication?

At Mynd.Works, I work with clients who present various symptoms, challenges, or problems. You can click the links above to explore more information and treatment options related to specific subjects.

All of their journeys began with an initial Free Consultation. You can arrange yours by clicking below.

If you have a challenge to contend with, you’re most welcome to…

Call me on +61 (0)415 567 708

send me an email  richard@mynd.works

or book a Free Consultation